Called to the City
Pray with us:
Each month we meet together to discuss the highs and lows of our ministries, encourage one another and pray for each other. Why not come along and join us at New Hope Christian Centre at 4pm​
Leadership conference testimonies:
Pastor Matt (Radical Church)
The leaders conference @ New Hope Hope was dynamic and inspiring.
Firstly Christian hacking shared his story of being called into ministry to fight for the unborn. A true hero of the faith who through an accident ended up disabled and broken himself; but inspite of his suffering and because of Gods grace he started a quest to put in motion a movement that seeks to see the abolution of abortion in this country.
John Betts then shared some of the rich experience of his close on sixty years of ministry. The good the bad and the ugly. The ugly being having to navigate through toxic and controlling leadership. Being courageous enough to whistle blow on an organisation that was in error and brave enough to step away and follow the call of God and then go onto Pioneer many movements in Norwich.
Beth then spoke of the rich heritage that Norwich has from Edith Cavel to Thomas bilney and shared a desire to see wells of revival open again.
She also explored the curses and the evil characteristics Norwich has been famous for to include competetion, disunity, and apathy. And looked at how we can combat these and build on our heritage.
Overall, the day was very challenging. The theme really was to be raised up to be bold enough to go against the flow and make a difference. I felt encouraged that we are part of His story and His plan and with Him and each other we can truly re-take ground given over to the enemy and pioneer new works in this City. To God be the Glory.
Looking forward to the next one.
I was really impacted by you all, thank you so much for putting it together. I could really see how God is so personal and patient and working in all our lives to refine us. There were some real Jem’s, that stood out in each of the three sessions, firstly Christian’s. (Said in the context of all that he had gone through with braking his back and had overcome)… “I lost my faith in a small God”! I can really relate to that, though my own 10 year journey with ME, I’m still learning to see how Big and able God actually is.
And secondly,..… We have to find away to make the blind spots unavoidable! Which means we all have them, so we have to consciously look at our lives and find out where they are. In your session …. To have the courage of the conviction as a Christian to stand up to anyone/anything, when you can see there is a difference between the message and reality, even if that comes at a personal cost. What you did is an example to us all thank you for being so brave.
In Beth’s … The cloned and rubber stamped high street is something I personally hate and yes, sadly, it is the same with the Church. We are clearly linked as individuals to our community’s and in turn our community’s to the Place/City and in turn our place to it’s history, and thats a lots to think about! But the good news is we have the Holy Spirit, with the answers, living within in us.
Go to our media page to listen to the seminars!
Recommended reading:

For a river to effectively flow, it requires two healthy banks. This harnesses its power and causes it to reach its destination. Without banks, a river simply loses its impetus, disappears into the ground and ceases to exist. So often a move or outpouring of the Holy Spirit has dissipated then disappeared in this way. In this book Peter suggests that godly, biblical leadership and the gifts of the Holy Spirit are prominent, strategic and significant “banks” for the river that flows in the book of Acts.
The previous book on the Gifts of the Spirit and this one on ‘apostolic’ leadership provide the framework that enables the river to continue to flow as the Holy Spirit continues to work and the church rises to become all that God has in His heart for her, His bride”. Peter's exploration of the fivefold ministry in its role within a church leadership team is biblical, clear, and very compelling.
Many people, even Christians, deny the devil’s power. John Ramirez doesn’t have that luxury—he experienced the prince of darkness up close and personal.
In the impoverished streets of the South Bronx, John Ramirez found “acceptance” from a family of witches and warlocks. These practitioners of dark arts trained him to be a high-ranking satanic priest—a story told in his first book, Out of the Devil’s Cauldron. However, everything changed when he met the living Christ.
In Unmasking the Devil, John Ramirez shares an insider view of how satan operates so you can avoid his traps and learn how to:
discern between the voice of God that directs to victory and satan’s voice that leads to destruction.
close the demonic doors satan uses to enter your life: entertainment, unhealthy relationships, greed, and false religion.
activate the spiritual weapons of prayer, intercession, and Scripture to render hell powerless over your life.
recognize how the spirits of Jezebel and Delilah attempt to infiltrate the church, create disunity, and render God’s people powerless.
No army goes into battle without first knowing the tactics of their enemy. Receive behind-the-scene glimpses of satan’s strategies and equip yourself to live victoriously over the powers of darkness!